Every effort has been made to make this site as accessible as possible for all visitors
Leaders of Tomorrow recognises the importance of providing a website that is as accessible as possible to all of our community. We are making every effort to ensure that this site can be easily used by people with disabilities.
For the most part, pages should be easily navigable using assistive technologies.
Please note, this is the first release of our new technology platform and we plan to release a series of improvements, with a view to meeting the highest standard of accessibility compliance. If you have any problems, suggestions or feedback please contact us.
Leaders of Tomorrow recognises the importance of providing a website that is as accessible as possible to all of our community. We are making every effort to ensure that this site can be easily used by people with disabilities.
For the most part, pages should be easily navigable using assistive technologies.
Please note, this is the first release of our new technology platform and we plan to release a series of improvements, with a view to meeting the highest standard of accessibility compliance. If you have any problems, suggestions or feedback please contact us.
© Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT),
Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) London is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales
Registered Charity No.1152037 Registered Company No.0704132 - Registered address 17 Courtland Avenue, London SW16 3BB